Fall Term — Week 3: (The Roles of Men and Women in Society) Mr. Mom?

Father Holding Baby on Shoulder

Mr. Mom?


Recent changes in society has been the rise of the so-called “stay-at-home-father.” Under this arrangement, the traditional roles of men and women have been reversed, where the woman goes to work and earns a living for the family and the man stays at home to take care of the house and the children.

While this novel approach to domestic life seems an interesting alternative to the role of man as breadwinner and woman as caregiver, it is not without its problems. While some men willingly accept this role, others resist such a radical change of the traditional family strutcure and parental obligations.

Read the following articles for next week and be prepared to discuss the following questions.


PDF File here:

The Overhyped Rise of Stay-at-Home Dads – Jordan Weissmann – The Atlantic



PDF File here:

Viewpoint_ Stay-at-Home Dads Will Never Become the Norm | TIME.com



PDF File here:

Want Equality? Make New Dads Stay Home – WSJ


Prepare for the next class by writing your thoughts on this issue (minimum 250 words) in the Leave a Reply section below, considering the following DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:


What are the advantages and disadvantages of a stay-at-home-father arrangement?

How do you account for this new trend among households around the world? What are the causes of such a change in the traditional roles of men and women?

How would such a change in parenting obligations affect society?

How likely do you think this trend will continue to gain ground in the United States? in Japan?

What differences between American and Japanese societies would influence this unusual parenting arrangement?


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